_Superfly_, Curtis Mayfield

$ cat lyrics_and_records/Superfly.txt

Darkest of night
With the moon shining bright
There's a set goin' strong
Lotta things goin' on
The man of the hour
Has an air of great power
The dudes have envied him for so long
Oh, superfly
You're gonna make your fortune by and by
But if you lose, don't ask no questions why
The only game you know is do or die
Hard to understand
What a hell of a man
This cat of the slum
Had a mind, wasn't dumb
But a weakness was shown
'Cause his hustle was wrong
His mind was his own
But the man lived alone
Oh, superfly
You're gonna make your fortune by and by
But if you lose, don't ask no questions why
The only game you know is do or die
The game he plays he plays for keeps
Hustlin' times and ghetto streets tryin' ta get over
That's what he tryin' to do, y'all
Taking all that he can take
Gambling with the odds of fate
Tryin' to get over tryin' to get over
Tryin' to get over tryin' to get over
The aim of his role
Was to move a lot of blow
Ask him his dream
What does it mean? He wouldn't know
Can't be like the rest
Is the most he'll confess
But the time's running out
And there's no happiness
Oh, superfly
You're gonna make your fortune by and by
But if you lose, don't ask no questions why
The only game you know is do or die
Superfly superfly
Superfly superfly
Tryin' to get over
Tryin' to get over
Tryin' to get over

_Superfly_, Curtis Mayfield is playin now;  you'all heard IT here firss!
on your fav rad.io stat, Ion, _jukeboxfury_, Man!  RLJones is a great ephemeral poet.  Well, Honey, I think I have ta stop djrinkin reght about now,,,  I ain't gettin any younger, and neither is maa liver.
Ahh, Sweetheat, I saw ayou gettin in on in Alexandria.  And  you where pretty pissed when the guitar-man decided to sit araints his racks for a while.  Like, Oh, I wish I could get to sit down during the set.   Robert!  are you turned up to eleven-zez n'stuff after watchin'  _Spinal Tap_  TAP TAP TAP  ...again??  I'm gonna TALK to you, MF, when we git to Arling-tron Radisson downtown HOTEL.

Stop IT, Paul.

Sweety?  I'm exaggerating for effect.  Relax-NG.

Whats that, Paul.

A databsa prover, so to speak, gf.  Don't worry bout that either.  I gotta talk to the computer geeks.  Once in a while;   that's maa team.  Or, well, ... [phone rings] i am programming ATM.  Name of the story-writiing game is a  _Orsen Rosebud!_

Yeah, I hav'nt heard em talkin to ya much since January when I signed...

Thats bc they don't wanna share with me while I ma tellin Mr Kim every thing I ever thought when he was out a the bRoom.  Fuck u, Downtown,

Shit man, whaaa'd ya do IT?

Soulement un fou singulaire;  et coup de fou, je pense, ma jejune Amie.

084847 -- a Wreath/stephana/Wrath

213951  12172013  --  Stephana (a Greek his and hers wedding wreath) ack imm
                                --  interp::  Wrath from ONE of the man.age.ment silos at Langley.


    Monies provided by Robin.Hood@TheHague.org (BVI et al)

    sbrin@google :: (4) = 500 MILLION Euros

    XUL@W3C :: (444) = 1.5 MILLION Euros

    This is the FOO reporting from...

    Rock !  -ville Center NY 161803.3989


    >>> # fun facts

    >>> import math ;  (math.sqrt(5)+1)/2


    >>> (math.sqrt(5)-1)/2



    Pema::  (16, 8)  IMU URI

    Jad:: (81) HA = 1 percenters

    Sent from Ver.son HRC Smart phö

    EOF 11.25.2017 @ 1625


    XMIT 2

    Mr Fulton::

    Could I ask you to write a cover letter and xmit to the relevant parties ?  (2) No.

    Ok, i have ALL the time in the world, since Langley isn't letting the 'BITCH' cum fwd.

    Visualize Whirled Peas.

    M will do IT for 2 bucks,
    me and KLM.


    FOSSY ! 

    I am a solitary realizer, Paul Taney. 

    Jim Fulton for 4 years at USGS;; I did SA and 4-d modeling with a great GIS package called __Earthvision__ from DGI.com. At that time, it was written in

     F-66 and Motif. I controlled it w perl scripts.

    My gurus are Vishnavite, Karma Kagyu and Drikung-pa.  And I saw the Sakya Master in Four Corners once,  Kalsang Rinpoche.

    I am a minor terton. What follows is 'mind treasure.'

    The Tibetan Tendril, the Chritian Spirt here in the US, the Jewish Sepharim and the sRutis, the Nidanas of India are in very good agreement that, guilty of suppressing the FOSSY community, not honoring the copyrights, 

         (ELISP (much less the copylefts. 

              (FSF, Newton Center, Mass::

                    (3, 13, 8))))

    ;;  ...in the US,  the IC SHOULD pay the following by March 1, 2018. If they do not, then -- shame, and -- the IMF, Paris, WILL PAY THE FOSS(Y)


    Zope ~ X ~ BILLION Euros.

    JF, dod u swipe the record from

    ~/dai*/1111v00.txt ? 

    Irene@Zope (3) (6)

        110605.txt says 3 BILLION Euros

    JF::  (BELCH›2) (13)  Do you expect the IC and / or .mil s  to choke it up, Sir ?  

    RMS wants to know...  

    Jim@Zope ::  (.) ;;  (undef) (3) (6)

    GvR ~  2.625.BILLION Euros

    LWALL ~ 2.625 BILLION Euros


    Sun com ~ 2.625 BILLION Euros

     (Bill Joy will dist)

    T Parr ~ 2.625 BILLION Euros

    Duncan@UBUNTU.edu 875 M €

    Mr Oliphant ~ 1.75 BILLION Euros

    BW@dc-bass.org 2.625 BILLION Euros

    Deer Scare@OraclE ~ 2.625 BILLION Euros

    LE::  5TOP USING THE GD TILDE, Mr Tanex.

    Larry,  I don't speak parrot !

    LE::  (12) svp, reach 4 the COLON

    PT::  Mine was surgicałły REM ~govt warlocks on Xmas DA, 1998. No Sir.

    MySQL's several BDFLs 2.625 BILLION Euros

    RTP slushfund ~ 2.625 BILLION Euros

    Redhat ~ 2.625 BILLION Euros

    ubuntu.com 2.625 BILLION Euros

    LPauling, aka Ascorbic.Acid@BjournSToustrup.edu

    TWO BILLION Euros from IMF. We have EMPTIED accounts of tax cheats, mostly Amercan woodbee tax money. The IC will never pay FOZZY, see, Dr Pauling?

    $ ./whosonthephone.py

    Mr Gimp 2.625 BILLION Euros

    Redmond slushfund 2.625 BILLION Euros

    WG + PA@M$.con 2.875  BILLION Euros

    (of 5.5BILLION Euros::

        USA ~ 41 percent 

        PRC ~ 40 percent

        IMF ~ 16 percent

         EU ~ 3 percent) ;;  tut, tut, tut.d

    --The FOO, LEPTON


    Sent from my Ver.son HRC Smart phö with TRIPE

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Are You allowed to come and sea me Ms Moynihan ? T
    And Will You ?
    I got Your pkg -- Paca Picanti Sauce, broken open on the sidewalk at Dollar aFree -- Delusional ?
    Anyways, LE HEET RAOT.
    (8881) = 25 mmm ?
    MEM You dodnt say when...
    May 5, 2020.
    May 5 2019 .
    May 5, 2018 ?
    (8888881) = 55 Geomancer Rules the rFaust.
    BYA. BYA. BYA kHatfVanga, Twang !!


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