Virgo Cluster... in M Light Years.
The Milky Way -- you are here------------------------^
The biggest flow map I ever saw.
TS:: How to extract soundfiles from the iTunes database -- where they are buried with spaces in the filenames. Oh, Stephan!
# in a blue window (/Applications/Utilities/
# from your top-level directory::
1) Copy the iTunes database and bring to your text editor. For absolute safety we copy the XML before we can look at it. This is important in my view.
% cp Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Music\ Library.xml ~/MusicLibrary.bak1
% jEdit MusicLibrary.bak1 [OR in emacs. (Not all editors will handle a file this size AFAIK)]
3) Use the "find" instruction to find the songs path. [ctrl-s in emacs]
4) CAREFULLY cut and paste the "path" to the terminal command line, like,
4.1) improve an "mv" instruction so it doesnt include any shitty BLANK codes, ("%20")::
4.x) if you dont know what I am talkin about "% man mv"
Emmylou\ Harris/Wrecking\ Ball # pheew. this is the hard part
5) Run the cmd (OR shell file) to move the .m4a to your soundfile dir::
% mv ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes*Music/Emmylou\ Harris/Wrecking\ Ball/05\ Goin*Back\ to\ Harlan.m4a ~/m4a/GoinBacktoHarlan.m4a
C"est tout! (et sauve beaucoup d"argent immediatement. (IFF you send files to your friends. (BUT really, kids: Buy your music. (the artist gets a nickel)))) ;; Pax
song:: Everything is Free Now --Gillian sings about music piracy
book:: The Mystery of the Coniunctio by Edward F Edinger
I cant come in, I cant go down
For I have only a mments time.
--Natalie Merchant
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